Red Bull 3en1 - Luxenbourg 2021
Yihaaa, this year I got an invite from Viki Gomez to this amazing event Red Bull 3EN1 which took place at the Place de l’Europe in Luxembourg City. It was my first time there and I was amazed how beautiful this place is.
What is Red Bull 3en1?
The name is French for “Three in One”. That’s three disciplines of BMX in one event: street, park and flatland! With skateboarding as the icing on the cake. Just like in the past years, Viki invited several world class athletes to show their skills: Courage Adams,(BMX Street) Danny Leon (Skate) and me (BMX Park). This event brought together more than 1000 Luxembourgers, and with our demonstrations, drinks and beats it was a real spectacle!
The event itself
The main event was on Saturday when we had two shows and shared autographs. There was also lot of music, events and a lot of young visitors. In the afternoon we made a jam for all riders in all disciplines and we were also among the judges.
I had so much fun! There were also other riders from Germany, Belgium, Holland … Incredible! The level of the riders was very high and the atmosphere couldn’t be better. It was also great to be able to share the stage with the best athletes: Viki, Courage and Danny. A great success I would say!